Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Days

Wow! It's been far too long since I've updated my blog.  I guess with the snow that we got, and being forced to stay home for a few days, I found some motivation to type up a quick post.  More than anything, I really just wanted to share some pictures. 

Two of my beautiful girls...Jasmine and Iris

Miss Iris showing off her new hat.

When the holiday season hits, the kids know winter is upon us.  And the questions start:  "Mom! When is it going to snow?  Do you think it will snow on Christmas?"  Well, we didn't get snow on Christmas.  But it's finally arrived now that it's February.  The kids were so excited to awake to the white covering over the ground.  They couldn't wait to go out and feel that snow crunch underneath their feet.   It wasn't as fluffy or deep as they'd hoped it would be, but that didn't love snow!  Levi pretty much stayed close to me.  He still was unsure about the snow.  His sisters, on the other hand, would have dove in head first if I'd let them.  We didn't last long outside.  The wind made the cold temperature unbearable in no time.  But I managed to snap a few pictures.   


Jaz and Rosalie


This was when he decided he was done being out in the snow.  Levi feel down on his way to the slide, and just burst into tears, crying, "I'm cold!"  So, I scooped him up (after a quick picture), and took him in out of the cold.

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