Yesterday morning, Jasmine crawled up into my bed and said, "Good morning, Mom. Today is my birthday and I'm six today." She was so excited that her day had finally come. She then proceeded to tell me that she now was much bigger because she's 6. "Mom, I'm getting soooo big. I need new shoes. My feet are so big now 'cuz I'm 6. You have to take me to buy new shoes." Anyone that's been around her knows about her thing for shoes. Last year she'd put on her purple-glitter shoes, and dance and sing, "Purple sparkly shoes! Purple sparkly shoes!" I'd bought her some new shoes less than a month ago...not because she needed them, but because they were on sale for a great price and she begged to have them. I told her that she didn't need new shoes and just because she was a year older didn't make her bigger, that it takes time. She said, "No, I'm am bigger and I do need new shoes. You can buy me some when we go get my toy." Ha! That girl is too smart, but I'm not that easy. I just simply told her that if she wanted shoes that bad that she could get them instead of her toy. Needless to say, she realized that her other shoes still fit her just fine.
We found the perfect cake. It had a big pink flower on the top of it. It looked like it was specially made for Miss Jasmine.
When Jamie got home, we ate dinner. We gave Jasmine the cat that I'd found for her, and also gave her a Bible with her name on it. She was so excited about the cat. But when Jamie gave her the Bible, she burst into tears. I thought for a moment that they were joyful tears, but quickly realized that she was upset. I asked her what was wrong, and she wept, "I wanted the cat. I don't want to pick one. I asked for the cat."
Here's a few shots of the kids...

I'm glad to have another birthday in the books. I'm also glad Jasmine can only have one birthday a year. All day I had to listen to her bossing her sisters around and saying, "You have's my birthday." She even tried that on me a couple of times, but had no success. I told her, "It may be your birthday, but I'm the mom, and you do as I say."
I loaded up the kids in the suburban and headed to the store. This wasn't Jasmine's trip yet, but I needed to get groceries for her birthday meal and get a cake. Jasmine decided she wanted shrimp. I'm not a seafood person, but Jamie, and now Jasmine, really like it, so on special occasions, I'll cook it. I made her shrimp and tortellini in a white wine sauce (fancy for a 6 year old, huh?). And I made a separate batch of the same with chicken for us anti-seafood people.
When Jamie got home, we ate dinner. We gave Jasmine the cat that I'd found for her, and also gave her a Bible with her name on it. She was so excited about the cat. But when Jamie gave her the Bible, she burst into tears. I thought for a moment that they were joyful tears, but quickly realized that she was upset. I asked her what was wrong, and she wept, "I wanted the cat. I don't want to pick one. I asked for the cat."
She thought she had to choose between the two gifts, and when I explained they were both hers, she cheered up very fast. We then went to the store. It didn't take Jasmine long. She picked out a Tinker Bell music box that has a key to lock it up. I told her she could look more, but she said, "No, this is what I want." 
Then, we came back home to have cake. I told her that I was going to put the candles on the cake and then get a picture before we sang. She said, "Don't forget to take a picture of me blowing." I told her I would. I got the candles lit and told her to smile. As I took the picture she started blowing. I said, "No, wait. We have to sing then you get to blow out the candles." She said we could do it again. We sang, and this time Iris started blowing out the candles. So, Jasmine got some help, and Iris' head ended up getting in the way of my shot. But at least I got Jasmine's first attempt to blow out her candles.
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