If you look back at one of my earliest blogs, I mentioned Jamie
buggin' me about getting a bike. He's wanted one for years...even before we got married. We'll his birthday came again, and just like every other year, his itch for a bike
flared up. I simply told him this time around that the decision was his. He knew my feelings about a big purchase, but it was up to him. This wasn't an attempt of reverse
psychology on my part. Jamie works very, very hard to provide for us. He does a good job of it, too. He's a wonderful husband and father, and if anyone deserves it, it's him. And I told him that. I want him to have what he wants, after all, it's his sweat that earns that paycheck every week. So, here she is. He got a 2007
HD Dyna Wide Glide. The girls are already talking about who gets to ride it first. I guess our next purchase will be helmets...

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