Gosh, I feel like I'm falling behind in blogging, but just know that means not too much is going on. Everyday is pretty much the same at my house...get up, feed the kids, feed the baby and lay him down, check my email, and before I know it, it's time to make lunch. After lunch, I lay the girls down, feed the baby again, and then Lily or Jasmine will start on homeschool. I get that out of the way, and it's time to make dinner because Jamie is heading home, and in the process of dinner Levi is ready to eat again. It's amazing if I get laundry washed or dishes cleaned in the process, but it happens...I don't know how, but it does. It's funny how I'm content with this ordinary life. I don't expect everyone to understand or live their life as I live mine, but I want others to know that joy can come from the simplest things in life. It's the sound of my kids playing, relaxing on the couch with Levi as he nurses, Jamie sending me a text just to say "I love you," those little everyday things that bring so much joy to my life. That's how I'm ending this entry...short and simple,
oh, and a picture of my goofy girls.

All I said was, "Make a funny face," and they willingly offered one to me.
Love the blog. The girls are really good at funny faces. I enjoyed hearing about your "simple" life. Sounds simply wonderful.
I always love hearing about your days. You sound a lot like me when I was your age. I loved being a mommy. Now I have an empty nest and am moving on to another season.
Your girls are a riot!
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