Nothing special...just something to let me reflect on my daily life, and a page that friends and family can stay updated with what's going on with us. Hope you enjoy and remember to leave a comment!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Quick post before I head to bed...
I first met most of Jamie's family less then a week after we were married. I fell in love with them. They all welcomed me as one of the family even though they didn't know me. They've treated me with love, kindness and generosity from the start. I'm so thankful for them and all of my family.
And now Christmas is so close I can smell it. I'll be getting the tree put up this week (hopefully), and soon I'll have family in town. I had one brother show up already, and will have another brother and sister here in a few weeks. I'm excited to see everyone. I can't believe this year is almost over. But I guess I say that every year.
Oh, sorry no pictures. We were in such a rush to get out the door that I forgot to take my camera. I'm going to have to bum some pics of my in-laws.
I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 24, 2008
I've been kind of busy

I've been in the process of taking pictures for our Christmas card to send out this season. The past few years, I've actually been able to get one taken with everyone looking at the camera. I figured that would be near impossible to do this year. So, I decided that it would be easier to design our card to include 3 pictures. I'm posting some of the ones that won't be in the card, but I liked them too much to delete them. I love the outfits that I found for the kids!

Jamie and I celebrated our seventh anniversery on the 17th of this month. I grow more and more in love with him each year. Jamie is a wonderful husband and dad. Our marriage still feels so new to me. I continue to look forward to many, many more years together. God blessed me with more than I could hope for or imagine in a husband. He is my best friend and partner. I love him very much. We didn't have a traditional start, and a lot of people said we'd never make it. All I can say is we're still going stong, and our marriage only grows stronger as time passes.
Monday, November 3, 2008

The night before the party, we went to see The Promise with some friends of ours. All the kids did so well, and really enjoyed it. Lily was on the edge of her seat for most of the performance. It was definitely a far better treat for them than a bag full of candy for Halloween.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I'm just posting an update.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Happy Birthday Iris

Friday, October 3, 2008
Our most recent happenings...

We went to the Ft. Worth Zoo yesterday for homeschool day. We met up with some friends of ours. All the kids had sooo much fun, and did very well for the long day that we had. Even though we were there pretty much all day, I think we missed some animals. I love going to the zoo. I remember when I was pregnant with Jasmine, Jamie took me to the zoo for my birthday. He's so thoughtful :) I was very thankful that he was able to go with us. I don't know how I would have managed without him there. He not only helped keep an eye on the kiddos, but he'd also made and packed our lunch and snacks for the day. He does such a good job when I finally let go, and let him help ***Note to self...I should let him help more often...***
As if the zoo wasn't enough, I also managed to drag the family to the mall afterward to get Iris' birthday present. This year, all the kids got to make a trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop. I wanted to keep their birthdays simple, but special. Iris turns 2 on October 8th, so it was her turn to make a bear. Jamie got to take her through the process this time. She picked her bear quickly...she's a girl that knows what she wants. When it was time to fill the bear, the noise from the machine scared her, but I was quick to get her sisters over there to help out. It worked, and Iris was ready to go on. When she went to pick out clothes, she picked a Nascar outfit. Jamie liked that. But I had to intervene. I had them put it back, and directed them to a different shelf of clothes. Thus resulting in what you see in the picture. She named her bear Baby.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Since I've been staying up late, I've had a hard time getting up in the morning. So, the girls had brunch today. Lily wanted to know why we were eating later than usual, and I told her that I haven't been sleeping well since her dad was gone. Yesterday, Lily overheard me telling Jamie, over the phone, that he must be home-sick. So, she was quick to respond, "You must be Daddy-sick. That's why your not sleeping good." She's so sweet, and she's exactly right...I'm "Daddy-sick."
Although I terribly miss my husband, it's been good with him gone. It's been a time for both of us to reflect on how much we love each other and need one another. I can tell that he really is home-sick because every day he's called and asked, "Have the girls asked about me today? Do you think they miss me?" And of course they do. Monday, when I told Lily that Jamie would be out of town, she asked, "How long? Will it take months?" I told her he'd just be a few days, and her reply was, "Wow, he must have gone to another country for a while." Lily took the liberty of telling her sisters that Jamie would be gone, and Jasmine said, "Yeah, he's at work." It was no big deal to her. But Lily holds back tears at the mention of him being away. I gave her my phone so she could call him. When he answered, Lily's voice trembled, "Daddy, it's me, Lily...when are you coming home." Don't think I'm crazy, but it's a beautiful thing watching her miss him. And I can't wait for him to walk through the door when he gets home. There will be four little girls jumping, running, and yelling, "Daddy! Daddy! You're home!" And a big girl with a hug and a big kiss waiting for him. Okay, now off to bed for least I have Levi to snuggle up to.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Same old song and dance...

All I said was, "Make a funny face," and they willingly offered one to me.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
1st Day of School!

Lily had a good first day as well, that is until I put a movie on for her sisters. The other girls were being louder than I'd wanted, so I put a movie on to get them settled so Lily could do her work. But I made the mistake of picking a movie that Lily apparently wanted to watch. It was killing her...she was missing the movie because of class. Before my bright idea to put on the movie, she was as excited as Jasmine had been. She was ready to start first grade, unless Alvin and the Chipmunks was playing in the other room. Oh well. Today is a new day, and I'll make sure to pick a movie that Lily doesn't like.

I wanted to have a fun craft for the girls on their first day. I'd been at Walmart a few days before, and ran across these crowns in the craft section. The girls got to make their own "first day of school crown." Rosalie and Iris got to make one also. If we're going to have princesses in our house, everyone gets to be one.
I think this year will be a good one. Our first day went very well. Lily was understanding when I'd make her take a break so I could feed Levi, or change Iris. I'd better finish this entry. Jasmine has managed to wake up all her sisters in hopes that we can get a start on another day.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Keeping you updated...

Levi is 6 weeks old, and growing like crazy. He's already well over 10-1/2 lbs. Maybe he'll be tall. I keep saying that he broke the mold in more ways then one. He's the biggest baby that we've had (only by 2 ounces). Of course, he is the only boy, following 4 sisters. He has brown eyes; all of his sisters have blue eyes. So far, he's the fussiest baby that we've had, but that's getting better. I guess he's starting to realize that's okay for me to put him down (even though I'd hold him all day if I could). He's the first one to take a pacifier (Lily didn't take anything, and all the other girls suck their thumb). He's so sweet! I'm really enjoying this little guy.
This past week I've been busy getting my lesson plans and materials put together for the new school year. I'll be homeschooling Lily (1st grade) and Jasmine (Kindergarten). They are both really excited about starting school. Growing up I loved pretending to be a teacher, and now I'm so blessed to be able to teach my children. Just one more thing to occupy my time, as if a new baby wasn't enough. But I like the challenge.

I've been proud of myself lately. I've been staying on top of the housework, having dinner ready for when Jamie comes home, and keeping the kiddos happy and taken care of (that's just a few of the things that I do everyday, but are the most important). This Sunday I'll return to work at the church nursery. Like I mentioned, school will start for us soon. I guess I like for things to stay busy. It's makes me feel important, and needed. It reminds me of who I am. I am a wife, mom, teacher, chef, caregiver, daughter, sister, friend,...(you get the point). I know things would manage to get done eventually if I wasn't taking care of it, but right now I'm happy to be the one in charge of them.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My July babies

Normally I have a party for the kids with decorations, guests, and a big store-bought cake. I enjoy putting a party together for them. I want it to be their special day. But this year I decided not to do parties. Instead, the girls made a trip to Build-a-Bear Workshop. Even though those stuffed animals are over-rated and expensive, in my opinion, it saved me time, energy, and money. So, on the day of their actual birthday, they just got a uneven, imperfect cake made by mom just for them. And all of them have loved it.

Monday, July 28, 2008
I'm married to a wonderful man...