Just like with Rosalie, we started Lily's birthday with a shopping trip and a dinner out. She chose to eat at Mi Familia's. She loves mexican food. Her all-time favorite dish is enchiladas with beans and rice. You should see her eat...she literally, and I do mean literally, licks the plate clean. There's not a drop of sauce or a grain of rice that gets left behind. She's always been a good eater.
Her and I went to the store together as well. She puts more thought into what she chooses. She kept it pretty simple too. I thought she'd want more, but when she was done, that was it. She even said after she'd picked her last item, "I think I'll get this, and that's enough presents." We made our way to the clothes after that. She always needs new clothes. But she wasn't interested in picking anything out for herself, so I picked out a few outfits, and we were on our way home. She was very excited about what she'd chose. I think she showed her dad a handful of times what she'd got. She also is more careful with her personal things...she keeps them up on her bed away from her siblings. The next morning they all came to me at different times in attempts to get Lily's birthday presents: "Mom! Lily won't share her things with me!..."
On the day of her birthday (the 25th), I worked on the house to get it ready for that evening. I had a special dinner planned. I made her Chicken Parmesan with garlic bread. I'll have to post the recipe as it turned out really good. I love to cook!
After dinner, I sent out the first cake to be set on the table. It wasn't anything special, but Lily was still really excited. Ashley passed out some sunglasses that I'd picked up for the girls. They put them on and were acting so silly. During that, I was in the kitchen getting the other cake ready.
The cake that I was getting ready just seemed like it was for Lily. It was a smaller cake...green with Tinker Bell sitting on top. I put the candles around Tink and got them lit, then walked out of the kitchen and starting singing Happy Birthday to my girl. (You'll have to ignore the blur. I gave Jamie the camera to snap these pics and he changed the setting on the camera.)
She's so funny. As we all sang to her, she was pointing at each candle, counting to make sure I'd put enough. If I remember next year, maybe I'll leave off one or two to see if she catches it. She blew one of them out by accident as she counted them and then gave me a "whoops!" look. All the girls helped remove the candles, and started licking the frosting off the ends. Rosalie only got one candle...so that's why the long face in this next pic:

Then it was time for Lily to open the box that Aunt Jessica and Uncle Pablo sent. It had arrived at the house before Rosalie's birthday. I had the girls wait until their birthday's to open their gifts. Lily bugged me constantly about getting open it early, and about the contents. She kept making attempts to guess what could have been in the box. The day of her birthday she kind of got upset with me when she'd asked if she could open the box. I told her to wait until that evening, and she huffed and stomped down the hallway to her room. But when she was finally able to get into the box, she was so excited about what had been sent.
She got two dinosaurs...
...an outfit and a book all about T-Rex...
And a Spongebob card that sings Happy Birthday. She starting moving and shaking along with the song. Her sisters were all jumping along with the music. Even Levi was singing along.
But here, the fun stopped for a moment as Lily caught Iris trying to get into her birthday gifts on the floor.
Ashley and Josh had got her something too. It wasn't wrapped, so it was funny when Lily asked, "What is it?" Ashley started telling her about the book they'd got for her, and the bear. Lily said, "Oh, I love stuffed animals! I'm gonna name him Furry!" She's not very original with the names she comes up with. She has a Fuzzy, Lovey, Bluey, Fluffy, Foxy, Beary...you get the point. So, here she is with her newest addition:
She had a lot of fun on her birthday. She kept telling me how perfect her day had been. Early that morning she was bouncing on her bed, saying, "I'm 8! I'm 8! I'm 8!" She made out with a lot of stuff too. Her Grandma Lupe had sent her a few outfits that Lily just loved. She's getting so big. That little girl has brought so much happiness into my life.
And to close this post...I have another goofy personality showing up in my little ones. That's all that needs to be said...