Her and I made the trip to the store. She got to pick out her presents. She probably pushed every button and knob within her view (thankfully she's not taller, or we would have been there a lot longer that we were). She'd decided on a few items, when of course nature called. We made our way across the store to the bathroom. On the way back to the toys, we walked through the shoe department. She said, "Oh, I want shoes too." So, we looked and she spotted the cutest red boots. We found her size, and she couldn't wait to get home to wear them. We also picked out a few outfits to match her new red boots.
On a different note, Jamie's been home a lot lately. Work has really slowed down. I'm faithful that God will provide a job soon. He's been so good to us, and His provision is more than we can ever imagine. I've been going though so much, but am reminded daily of how big God is and how He's always faithful to work things out. I'm thankful and embrace these times because I come out of them with more faith, understanding, and a knowledge of God.
My sister, Jessica, was able to come visit us last month. Her time here was way too short. I wish she lived closer. She's one of my best friends, and time spent with her is always wonderful. The kids had so much fun having her here too. It was nice that they had their energy focused toward her (I got a bit of a break). Here's a few pictures of her visit with us. There's so many more that I wanted to post, but I've limited to some of the best.
Okay, the next two pictures are of a "rug" that my step mom, Janee', painted on their back patio. Another beautiful creation by her. This one, of course, is so special to me. It has all my my kids foot prints. Iris and Levi alternate in the black, and then Lily, Jasmine, and Rosalie's prints alternate in the red.
And to finish this post, here's a picture of my guys. Levi and Jamie playing the piano. Levi just loves the piano. He really focuses on hitting the keys...not just banging his hands on them to make noise.