Nothing special...just something to let me reflect on my daily life, and a page that friends and family can stay updated with what's going on with us. Hope you enjoy and remember to leave a comment!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Just a funny moment from my day...
We're potty training Iris. It's taking longer than it should because of all the traveling we've been doing this year. She's grasped the concept, just hasn't mastered the technique. I told her that I'm not going to buy her any more pull-ups, which she's fine with that...she prefers panties. So, today, I got her to put some on after church. She was hanging out with me in the living room, and disappeared for a minute. She shows back up and says, "Mom, I peed in your room." So, I send her to the bathroom to clean herself up, and also tell her that since she made a mess in my room that she was going to have to clean it. I grabbed the carpet cleaner and a rag. Iris meets back up with me, and tells me that she needs a wet wipe to clean her mess. I told her that she'd use the rag. I tell her to show me where she went so she can clean it. She led the way almost kind of proud of herself. "Okay,'s over here." She's walking along and says again, "It's this way. Over here. Here it is!" Our carpet in the bedroom is dark, and I couldn't see a spot. I said, "Are you sure? Where did you go?" She excitedly answers, "Right here...on your shoe!" And she sure did. She peed right on my black leather boots. Then I understand why she said she needed a wet wipe. I still made her clean it up (and then I went back and cleaned it myself to make sure it was done right). Just another day in the adventure of potty training. I'm just glad she told me. No telling when I would have found that little present if she would have hid it from me.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Splish! Splash!
I have a bunch of pictures of the girls in the tub when they were smaller. But I don't have any of Levi. So this morning when I gave him his bath, I snapped a few. He loves taking a bath. He squeals with excitement as I run the bath water. He bounces next to tub as he watches it fill up. And from the time his feet hit the water until I get him out, those hands are moving non-stop slapping the water and splashing it everywhere. He doesn't care at all if it gets in his face. Every now and then, he pauses to wipes his eyes, and then gets back to throwing water all over the place. So, here's my pictures that I took. Just a few...I had to put my camera away to keep it from getting wet. 

Thursday, August 6, 2009
All Dolled Up
Very rarely do I get to put on my make up without an audience. Even if I have my door closed, one of the girls manage to make the discovery that "mom is putting on her make up." This morning was like any other. Before I even got the zipper open on my make up bag, Jasmine was behind me saying, "Mom, can I have lipstick?" To her surprise, I said yes. Her face lit up, and she grinned ear to ear. "Can I have the purple one?" This is her favorite lipstick in my bag. I give it to her, and Rosalie and Iris came wanting a shade for themselves as well. "Can I have lips too?" Iris asked. I love listening to Iris and her cute way of communicating. So, the three of them got to put on lipstick. I couldn't resist snapping a few pictures of my girls. 

I remember being little and watching my mom get ready. I never got to play in her make up, though. I certainly don't let them do this every day, but let them do it enough to keep them from getting into my make up when I'm not around. My mom passed away when I was 11. One of my memories of her is simple and plain, just being there watching her put on her make up. I want my girls to remember the simple day to day things. I was watching them putting on the lipstick, being so steady and careful not to make a mess. I'm going to miss that when they get bigger. Just writing this makes me tear up. One of my greatest joys in life is, without a doubt, being a mom to my kids. Nothing will ever replace that. God has blessed me so richly, and for that I am thankful.
So, parents out there that work so hard to keep your kids out of your make up, that cabinet of pots and pans, or from pulling every book out of the book shelf, surprise them one day and let them do it. You won't regret the memory that each of you are making.
Monday, August 3, 2009
I gave Levi another hair cut today. He didn't like it though, which surprised me. This makes his third hair cut. His first two went very well. He just sat there and let me cut his hair. He didn't move at all unless I moved him. Today was another story. I stripped him down to his diaper, and stood him up in the bath tub. He seemed to like that until I turned the clippers on. He started moving away from me as I approached him. I did the first pass over his head, and he started saying, "Hey!...Hey!" It was so funny, but also frustrating because I knew this hair cut would be a chore. He'd move his head back and forth, again yelling, "Hey!" But I got it done and then he got to play in the bath, which he loves to do.

I wanted to get some pictures for this blog post. He was being so silly. I pointed the camera at him, and with squinted eyes and a big grin he said, "Eeeee!" I'm guessing that's his was of saying "cheese." I could not snap a picture without him doing that. But each one still turned out very cute. Here's the pictures of his latest hair cut and his "eeeee" face.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Her First Ride
It was dark by the time we finished our errands, but Lily wanted a ride so bad. I explained to her that she would need to "hold on like she didn't want to fall off." Jamie was up to it, but I told her that it would be a short, slow ride for now. She got the helmet on and I helped her on the bike. She held onto him so well, that he said, "She's crushing me." I said, "Good." And off they went. When they made their way back around, Lily thought she'd try to get of and ended up feeling the heat of the bike on her ankle. She said she got burned, but I didn't even find a spot on her.
When we got in the house, Iris wanted to try on the helmet, and then all the girls wanted turns holding it. I think the younger girls were more excited about the new helmet than actually getting to use it.
Sweet times, and good memories. That's one of my favorite memories with my dad. He would take either I or one of my siblings for a ride on his bike. I loved to go with him, and would volunteer any chance I got. The last time I rode with my dad was before I got married. I look forward to getting a chance to ride with Jamie now...which I still haven't. I'll have to get a babysitter to do that.
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