I've been in the process of taking pictures for our Christmas card to send out this season. The past few years, I've actually been able to get one taken with everyone looking at the camera. I figured that would be near impossible to do this year. So, I decided that it would be easier to design our card to include 3 pictures. I'm posting some of the ones that won't be in the card, but I liked them too much to delete them. I love the outfits that I found for the kids!

Jamie and I celebrated our seventh anniversery on the 17th of this month. I grow more and more in love with him each year. Jamie is a wonderful husband and dad. Our marriage still feels so new to me. I continue to look forward to many, many more years together. God blessed me with more than I could hope for or imagine in a husband. He is my best friend and partner. I love him very much. We didn't have a traditional start, and a lot of people said we'd never make it. All I can say is we're still going stong, and our marriage only grows stronger as time passes.