Lily had a good first day as well, that is until I put a movie on for her sisters. The other girls were being louder than I'd wanted, so I put a movie on to get them settled so Lily could do her work. But I made the mistake of picking a movie that Lily apparently wanted to watch. It was killing her...she was missing the movie because of class. Before my bright idea to put on the movie, she was as excited as Jasmine had been. She was ready to start first grade, unless Alvin and the Chipmunks was playing in the other room. Oh well. Today is a new day, and I'll make sure to pick a movie that Lily doesn't like.

I wanted to have a fun craft for the girls on their first day. I'd been at Walmart a few days before, and ran across these crowns in the craft section. The girls got to make their own "first day of school crown." Rosalie and Iris got to make one also. If we're going to have princesses in our house, everyone gets to be one.
I think this year will be a good one. Our first day went very well. Lily was understanding when I'd make her take a break so I could feed Levi, or change Iris. I'd better finish this entry. Jasmine has managed to wake up all her sisters in hopes that we can get a start on another day.