A lot of my friends have blogs, and I always enjoy reading what they post. It's like getting to know them on a different level. So, I'm going to give blogging a shot because I wanted to share a story that made me realize how truly blessed I am...
This past Saturday, my husband, Jamie, came home a bit earlier than usual. I love when he's home. Only I don't think he knows that because usually by the time he gets to the house, I'm ready for the day to be over (being a mom of 5 can challenge your patience sometimes). That day I was frustrated. I'd wanted to get the house picked up, but couldn't because every time I got started on a task either the baby needed to be tended to, or the girls were not being on their best behavior (to say the least). Of course when Jamie walks through the door, and sees that I'm in a mood, he naturally thinks he's the cause. He asked what was wrong, and I gave the usual "I'm fine" response. He didn't believe that I was fine, and I eventually told him that I'd had a hard day, and just wanted to get out of the house. After a bit of talking to each other, he said to me, "I don't want you to leave one day and never come back..." WOW! I never thought that was a fear of his, and I would never do that to him or our family. I try to be strong, but fact is I'm nothing less than human, and as strong as I want to be I still break from time to time.
Anyway, to continue with my story...we went and rented a movie and grabbed some fast food. We got out of the house and I didn't have to make dinner. We watched the movie together, and headed off to bed. The next morning was church, but we slept-in (which has happened a lot lately since Levi was born). Since we would have been extremely late for church, we decided not to go. I mentioned that I wanted to go shopping while I had the chance, and he said that I should take the day and go to Ft Worth while he watched the girls. I would already have to take Levi with me, so I offered to take Jasmine too. So, we got ready and left. No matter where we were, the day wasn't going as I'd hoped. If Jasmine wasn't complaining, then Levi was crying. I never really got to do what I wanted to get done. Everything seemed to work against me. On my drive home I should have been frustrated. But instead, I realized what a wonderful husband I have. He wanted me to have a day for me. And he gave me the chance for that to happen. I probably should have been home working on the house, but it's important to him that I'm happy and taken care of. He rarely complains, where I do a lot of it. He works everyday long and hard for his family. I get to stay home, and tend to the kids and the house. He loves me and our family unconditionally, and shows it all the time. God has blessed me with something that most people can only hope for. It meant a lot to me that he not only says I'm a priority, but he shows it. He does a better job then I do because where he has worry and doubt that I would leave, I don't have the same about him. He's shown me more than once that he's not going anywhere, and that our family is one of the most important things in his life. He makes me want to be a better wife and mother. I am married to him not by chance, but because God had a plan and a purpose for us. For that I am thankful, and blessed. I tell him all the time that he's stuck with me, and I wouldn't want to be "stuck" with anyone else.